

Thursday 11/16/2023

Right before leaving Birmingham, I got a call from my dad saying that my flight back home next week had been canceled! We started calling the airlines, trying to find new connections so I could get back home on Thanksgiving Day, just in time for my Ma’s famous Tandoori Cornish Game Hens. Thankfully, with a bit of sweet talking on my end and many apologies on the airline’s end, I will be able to return just in time to spend the holiday with my family! After that ordeal, I drove to Atlanta with a little more peace of mind. I drank more coffee than necessary and boarded my flight to Denmark. I found out my Swiss seatmate on the plane visited Nashville for the first time, and his favorite thing about America was Taco Bell. What a coincidence, me too! So now we’re best friends! Many hours later, and with a full list of our favorite Taco Bell orders, I finally touched down in Denmark, excited about where the rest of this journey would take me!

My 5th cup of coffee in 5hrs! I need the energy!

A Whole New World

A Whole New World

Copenhagen Day 1

Copenhagen Day 1