Preparing for My Adventure to Denmark!

Preparing for My Adventure to Denmark!

The time went by so fast!

It seems like yesterday I was registering for this class with my friends over Spring break this year. 2023 was a demanding year for me, but also the most rewarding and I am so thankful to have this adventure as one of the highlights of my year!

Tonight, I am journaling my initial thoughts on how I feel about the trip and what I expect so that I can compare how I feel and think when I return. I am also selecting my final outfits and items I will bring on the trip to cut down on luggage to carry.

Most of the leading weeks have been filled with reaching my community service goals, exercising, introspection, eating healthier, and staying on top of my class assignments.

I want to have a good headspace and an idea of areas I want to improve upon before the trip so that I can take this opportunity to learn more about myself.

What I am most looking forward to is a time to explore and relax in the beautiful city of Copenhagen! My biggest concern is my short layover time in France, but I believe I am prepared for the situation.

First Blog Post

First Blog Post

First Post

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